CrunchDeals: DUI-preventing & lifesaving breathalyzer for $14.07

It’s back to school time and you know what that means: crazy parties just like in Girls Gone Wild! Well, maybe not. But at least there will be lots of drunken Wii Bowling which is sometimes more fun than girls with their tops off depending on your school. As host of said parties, you may wanna have one of these personal alcohol detectors on hand.

Serious. DUIs are no joke. It’s only $14.07 with free shipping so forgo a couple of energy drinks and order it. Hell, order two because it’s probably hard enough trying to find shit in your place when you’re sober let alone after a couple hundred Jell-O shots. Just use coupon code “ES17” to knock it down in price.

Shop4Tech via Dealnews

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