Nokia N97 Mini promo shot gets leaked

We haven’t been posting too much about the N97 Mini, mainly because we think the fact that it exists is a bit silly. We feel that there’s plenty of stuff Nokia could be doing that would be better than remaking the same phone 2-3% smaller. It’s tough to write about it without sounding bitter, and no one likes a bitter blogger – so we’ve just been avoiding it.

With that said, there’s probably at least a handful of folks out there reading this who are interested in the N97’s slightly smaller sibling, so we figured you might like to know: after digging up the first promo shot of the Nokia N900 yesterday, has followed up with the first promo shot of the N97 Mini. We can’t tell if Nokia’s showing off a funky new mocha color variant here or if the design team just got a bit too much artistic freedom – either way, expect an official announcement next week at Nokia World.

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