Droidify: An unofficial Spotify Android app to tide you over [UPDATED]

Spotify, a free and increasingly popular music streaming service available on the other side of the pond (and currently by invite only in the US), has yet to launch an official Android Market app.

But not to worry. A group of Spotify fans have developed Droidify, an unofficial Spotify client for Android. The free app:

lets you search, browse, manage playlists and listen to the millions of songs available from Spotify on your phone. You can use it with both 3G and Wi-Fi.

Primarily intended to tide over Android-totin Spotify users until an official app is released, Droidify doesn’t currently offer any offline functionality while the official app apparently will. But hey, its free and its available now.

Update: Aaaaand it’s gone. Turns out Droidify wasn’t allowed under the agreement terms that Spotify had set up with music labels. Spotify contacted Droidify’s dev and asked nicely, and the dev took it down. Oh well.

[via T3]

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