Psst… Hey, buddy, I've got a 37-inch TV to sell you for $100

Oh, dear. Imagine you’re minding your own business at the local Wal-Mart when a man approaches you. “Hey, buddy, want a brand new TV?” “Sure,” you reply, “why not?” The man pops open his boot, shows off what looks to be a TV…

But it’s not a TV at all! Take a close look at that up there. Sure looks like a TV, right?

Too bad it’s an oven door.

Yes, you read that right. That TV-looking device is nothing more than an oven door.

All of this went down in San Leandro, Calif. A man, one Anthony Myles, 52, was selling a “TV” out of his car for $100, which sure seems like a deal for a 37-inch flatscreen. The man said he had bought it for $60 at a flea market, but then decided to sell it.

Now, what type of person would even entertain the idea of buying anything outside of a man’s car, let alone a fancy looking TV for $100?

So a bit of advice for y’all: don’t buy TVs from random people in Wal-Mart parking lots. Thank you.

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