DigiDudes: crowd-sourced keychain / tripod thingies

Fresh on the success of their SplitStick double-sided USB stick, the cats at quirky now offer DigiDudes: a keychain with a built-in camera tripod. Unscrew the DigiDude’s head, pull out his feet, and voila! Instant tripod!

If you look at the DigiDude and think to yourself “Man, I could design something way more useful than that!” you’re in luck:

quirky engages participants to collaborate in every aspect of product creation – from ideation, design, naming, manufacturing, marketing, right on through to sales. Anyone can participate on quirky.com either by submitting their own product idea for $99, or by voting, rating, and influencing other people’s product ideas. Cooler still, 30¢ of every dollar generated from the sale of a quirky product goes back to these influencers.

Put your money where your mouth is, and you could see your product proudly displayed here on CrunchGear!

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