Woot! Wireless meat thermometer for $20

This kind of takes the fun out of grilling but it’s indeed a good way to make sure everything’s cooked properly. Woot! has the Maverick Remote BBQ Thermometer and Timer for $20 plus $5 shipping. The thing is wireless — wireless! — and works up to 100 feet away. So you can just slap everything on the grill, then go inside and read the paper.

While there’s something to be said about standing outside over a hot grill, drinking a beer (mmmm… Zima!) and randomly flattening hamburger patties with a spatula, this thing features a voice prompt that alerts you to which levels beef, veal, lamb, pork, chicken, or turkey are being cooked.

It’d also probably be a nice tool to have in the dead of winter. I grew up in Minnesota and we’ll be damned if we’re going to let a -60 degree windchill keep us from eating grill-cooked steak in February.

Available today only, as is customary with Woot! offerings.

Maverick Remote BBQ Thermometer and Timer [Woot.com]

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