USB hub looks like an old cassette tape

If you feel like you’ve been dragged kicking and screaming into the wonderful world of technology, now’s the time to show everyone that you still haven’t forgotten your old school analog roots — sort of. This is a four-port USB hub that looks like a cassette tape.

So much so, in fact, that it’s the exact same dimensions as a regular cassette tape and it’ll fit in one of those old plastic cases.

So if you’ve lost LL Cool J’s Walking With a Panther tape like I have, you can safely house this hub inside the case.

But wait, there’s more! Apparently the cassette wheels do indeed spin round and round, except this time there’s no actual tape to get all tangled up. So you can stick a pencil in there and twist it for old times’ sake.

Just $24.95 at Vat19. “Just.” That’s actually a bit expensive, but can you really put a price on nostalgia? If you answered, “NO!” then perhaps you’ll buy this hub.

Cassette Tape 4-port USB 2.0 Hub: Looks like an old-school audio tape []

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