CrunchDeals: Roomba 500 robotic vacuum for $199

A vacuuming robot: you know you want one. I have a Roomba. It sits in its box under my desk ever since we hired a cleaning person to come twice a month. Seriously, though, you should get a robotic vacuum. Amazon has knocked $80 off one of the higher-end Roomba units, the 500 series, bringing it to a cool $199 with free shipping (today only).

This one is better than the one I have (I have the first one ever). Here are the specs:

This one features on-board scheduling so you can set it… and forget it. Hopefully you won’t forget it entirely, though, as I’ve done with my own Roomba.

iRobot 500 Series Roomba Vacuum-Cleaning Robot with On-Board Scheduling [Amazon]

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