MoGo Talk integrated folding Bluetooth headset line expands to BlackBerry models, we're giving 50 away

If you watched in agony as the very-cool MoGo Talk Bluetooth iPhone headset was announced and given away here on CrunchGear while your BlackBerry sat idly on your desk, take heart. The BlackBerry Curve and BlackBerry Javelin versions are coming and we’re giving 50 of the Curve models away.

Newton Peripherals has developed a flat-folding Bluetooth headset that’s just five millimeters thick and rests in a tiny charging slot integrated into an included replacement BlackBerry battery cover. So your headset’s with you at all times and you can split off your phone’s charging cord to power the micro-USB port that charges the headset.

The MoGo Talk will also be available for the BlackBerry Bold and BlackBerry Tour in the future, and Newton is toying around with the idea of integrating the actual headset charging directly into the handsets so that your phone itself could recharge the headset while it’s docked.

According to Stuart Nixdorff, President of Newton Peripherals:

“We designed these MoGo Talk models specifically for BlackBerry users who value the integration of phone, email and a Bluetooth headset on a single device. Our ultimate goal is to integrate MoGo Talk units with all mobile phones; in the case of RIM, these new MoGO Talk models charge and store on the back of BlackBerry Curve and BlackBerry Javelin models, with Bold and Tour models to follow. We are exploring further integrations with RIM devices that would enable MoGo Talk to charge directly with a BlackBerry unit from a single power cord.”

Giveaway: To register to win the one of 50 MoGo Talk headsets for the BlackBerry Curve just hit this link, enter your name and e-mail address, and 50 winners will be selected at random on Friday, August 14th at 4:00 Eastern.

Both the $99 Curve and $129 Javelin models cost $129 and are available for pre-order and should begin shipping in about a month or so. And lucky you! CrunchGear readers get 30% off of anything in the MoGo Store over $24.99 by using promo code crunchgear at checkout. Enjoy!

Links: MoGo Talk for BlackBerry Curve | MoGo Talk for BlackBerry Javelin

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