CrunchGear's Gadget Club Contest with Peek and Radio Shack

Remember the Radio Shack Battery Club? Back in the old days you’d go into Radio Shack with a card and they’d give you free battery once a month. It was heaven. I used to go in and grab a 9-volt – the best battery to have, by a long shot.

Well, Radio Shack and Peek just teamed up with us to offer you the Peek/Radio Shack Free Gadget Club. For the next three weeks we’re giving away one Peek device – your choice – and another gadget (anything you want up to $500 in value) from Radio Shack. Sure as heck beats a D-cell, right?

Here are the rules:

* WHAT (is up for grabs): A Peek Pronto with 6 months free service (unlimited email & texting) + any gadget of your choice from Radio Shack (max. value of $500) per week for three weeks. Contest runs from July 15 to August 5.

* WHY (reason for the competition): To celebrate the launch of Peek in Radio Shack. Peek Classic now just $19.95 and Peek Pronto only $59.95 available at select RadioShack stores

* HOW: To enter you must create a physical gadget of your own invention that you would want Radio Shack to sell. Always wanted a blender with an iPod attached? Make one. Always wanted a golf club with a GPS device? Make a model of one. You can make it out anything: paper, cardboard, foam, paperclips, pipe-cleaners, a broken walkie-talkie. But it has to be a physical object. No drawings, illustrations, or Photoshoppery. I realize this more than we’ve asked of you in the past but how hard is it to stick some stickers on a raisin box and take a picture of yourself holding it up? Be creative. Remember – your gadget will be voted on by millions (OK, thousands (OK, my parents and your friends))). Here’s a handy guide:



Take a picture of the object and send the picture and a description to with the subject line “GADGET CLUB.” We’ll pick the top five per week and post them to vote for the best DIY gadget on July 22, July 29, and August 5 at noon Eastern.

Special thanks to Peek and Radio Shack for this amazing opportunity.

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