Girl falls down manhole while texting, lawsuit pending

Only marginally less hilarious than the man who ran into a tree while Twittering comes this story of a Staten Island teen who fell into a manhole while texting. Her story isn’t quite as funny because she’s suing the Department of Environmental Protection for leaving the manhole uncovered and unattended.

While it may seem overly litigious to sue for something that could have easily been avoided by, you know, paying attention, doctors at Staten Island University Hospital did express some concern that the teen, Alexa Longueira, may have damaged her spine during the five-foot fall. Also, she lost one of her shoes.

Thankfully, the sewer was empty at the time Longueira fell in although she said “it was putrid” and let’s not forget that she lost her shoe, which now carries little to no resale value.

Staten Island girl falls down uncovered manhole [ via Neatorama]

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