Facebook Makes Spontaneous Event Planning Easier

Facebook has updated its publisher tool to allow users to create events directly through the Publisher. After clicking on the “Events” icon, you can enter information about what the event is and where and when you want to meet.

You can invite friends published event that’s created either on your profile or your news feed by selecting the “Invite guests” link to share the event with friends. Facebook says that the advantage of using the new event tool over just listing an event through a status update is the ability for friends to RSVP immediately when the event pops up in their news feeds. Plus, Facebook says that the new tool allows gives you the best of both worlds—the ability to use features of the Events application while still publishing the event in the news feed.

Of course, this means that if you create an event through publisher, it will make the event fairly open to your friends, who can also invite other friends. It doesn’t seem to be designed to be used for events that are meant for a select few of your friends. Facebook says that you can edit your event from the actual events application to change access, but that cannot be done within publisher.

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