My Father's Day Gift Picks for 2009

Every day should be Father’s Day, right? We should celebrate every single day all the wonderful things our dads did for us, like fixing our bikes, helping us buy our first car, and not kicking us out of the house when we got our girlfriend pregnant. But since we don’t say “Thanks, Dad!” every single day, we’ll use this Sunday to get him some gifts that, hopefully, will remind him of how much we care the other 364 days of the year.

If your dad is anything like mine, a bottle of single malt scotch whiskey would be the perfect gift. Then you can share some quality time with your old man as you drink a neat glass of scotch. I like Dalwhinnie and Talisker, but my dad likes Glenlivet. Of course, my dad pollutes his scotch with sweet vermouth when he makes a Rob Roy. Oh well.

I have great memories of launching model rockets with my dad when I was a wee lad. I launched some last summer, and had just as much fun as when I was a kid. Our own Matt Burns recently took his little blogger out to launch rockets, and a good time was had by all. Get yourself to a hobby store and get all the gear you need. I’ve had my eye on that rocket with the digital video camera in the nose piece for awhile now. Why not enjoy the great outdoors with your dad the old fashioned way: with rockets!

Why not give dad a gift that keeps giving? You could get him a sockscription to! He’ll never have to worry about having clean black socks to wear with his sandals while yelling at the damn kids to stay off his lawn!

Or, if your dad needs a little something extra, you could get him a subscription to underwear. Dads appreciate the practicality of things like this. Do your dad proud and show him how forward-thinking you are! Seriously.

You can help dad to feel like a real man by getting him a Backyard Warriors Fork It Over BBQ fork. This thing is a serious fork for the serious griller. Let’s face it: dad’s not the best when it comes to the BBQ, and he’s a little self-conscious about it. Putting one of these things in his hand will bolster his confidence, and allow him to enjoy grilling the way it should be enjoyed.

Or, you can go the sappy route. Write “My Love” in large block letters onto a piece of paper, and place that paper into an envelope. Then, on the envelope write “The Best Father’s Day Gift Ever!!” (be sure to use two exclamation points, to show how serious you are). Seal the envelope and give it to dad on Sunday morning. It may help to have a box of tissues handy, in case dad turns on the water works.

Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there!

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