This wireless speaker, it floats!

If you have a swimming pool then you, my friend, need this little waterproof floating wireless speaker that looks like the thing that pops up out of the muck in the trash compactor in Star Wars. This one doesn’t have a cool robotic eye, though, just “Rich sounding bass. Crisp treble. And no wires.”

While I can almost guarantee that, being a wireless speaker, it does NOT have rich sounding bass, it would be a nice technological accoutrement to have bobbing around in the water during your next swanky pool party.

Your guests will look on in amazement as the same stale Clear Channel-sponsored Top 40 rotation that’s been playing for what seems like eternity seeps out of the speaker, each song sounding exactly like the one before it — a group of guys yelling “Ayyy!” during the chorus of every song and Lady Gaga’s Pokerface playing every hour, on the hour.

But I digress. The “poolPOD Wireless Floating Waterproof Speaker” is on sale at Newegg for $65. It comes with a 900MHz base station, audio cable, and AC adapter.

CABLES UNLIMITED SPK-POOL 900Mhz Wireless Floating Waterproof Speaker [Newegg]

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