Video: The Archos 10S Netbook

Archosfans has a fairly long video showing off the Archos 10S netbook, a $399 netbook. I honestl hadn’t heard much about it and Archos doesn’t sell much here. Writes charbax:

It is probably one of
the best values at 399 dollars for a slim netbook designs (only 22mm)
thanks to their super optimized Magnesium case design. They have a
cool maximum sized keyboard and a nice 10.2″ matte screen. They also
are the first I a heard to include 1 year of Microsoft Office use for
free in the Windows 7 version and a 100 euro/dollar free credit to use
for 1.99 euro/dollar or 2.99 euro/dollar per movie to stream in DVD or
HD quality from the Archos Movie portal.

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