Let's sit down and play Metal Gear Arcade

What to make of Metal Gear Arcade? Famitsu, that famous video game magazine in Japan, has some info on it this month; now we know a few things! It’s an arcade game, right, and you have to sit down to play it. That won’t play well in Kansas.

Oh, it gets better. Not only is it a sit-down arcade game, but you have to wear special 3D glasses while playing, which means it’ll be a pain in the behind to play for people who already wear glasses, like me.

You’ll also have to use a “”special controller that allows for separate movement and viewpoint controls.”

Me? I think I’d rather just play the original Metal Gear Solid in order to get my Metal Gear rocks off than fiddle with this science fair project.

(Apologies for the earlier mix-up.)

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