Are you dumb enough to buy a Pre from eBay?

You’ve waited so long, and your time has almost come. If you’re anything like me, you’re refining your early morning line strategy, making calls to every Best Buy Mobile, Radio Shack, and Sprint store within a ten mile radius, and psyching yourself up to elbow a guy in the face if need be. In short: the Pre drops tomorrow, and you’re getting one no matter what the cost.

But what if you could order one now?

That’s the dilemma a certain Mr. Celltasticprices818 has introduced into the mix. You see, he apparently got his hands on 5 new-in-box CDMA Palm Pres, and he’s willing to sell one to you (yes, you!) for the scant price of $899.99. Sounds like a great deal… until you realize that in under 24 hours, you can (theoretically) get your hands on one for several hundred dollars less. Sure, there exists a distinct possibility that stock will run out, and you won’t be able to find one for the next few months. And look, they’re right there, just begging for you to take one of them home. It’s tempting, I know, but please: don’t cross the line from Pre fan to Pre-tard. Trust me, your wallet and your dignity will thank you.

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