@Geeknrolla: Building strong teams means falling in love and treating each other like family, says Andy from Huddle

Andy McLoughlin, CEO at Huddle talks really fast about hiring a team of peers – illustrating the point with a slide full of pictures of Piers Morgan. Oh, the trauma.

Other than that, this is great advice. When recruiting people, meeting the perfect candidate is like falling in love. You’ve got to be able to imagine yourself spending all day, every day with that person. He also suggests that when you’re hiring, make it a peer review exercise, so in effect, everyone hires everyone else.

Eat together regularly (like the guys at Fog Creek Software do). Andy’s reasoning here is that if you make your company like a family, your staff are less likely to fsck you over. (He has a nice family, apparently.)


He also suggests providing games in a break-out space for ‘axe sharpening’ – this is an excellent point, not enough companies pay sufficient respect to the notion of problemsolving without having to look at a computer screen.

pic copyright @gitfinger

Here’s Andy’s excellent slides:
Huddle.net – Hiring a Team of Peers
View more presentations from bandrew.

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