Outrage: Porn found on 6-year-old boy's new PSP

Shock! Outrage! Whatever! All words that are totally appropriate for this here story. Get this: a six-year-old boy gets a brand new Sony PSP from Wal-Mart. He turns it on for the first time, and bam! A naked lady is set as the PSP’s screensaver. Now, in our book that sounds like a win, but the boy’s mother wants a pound of flesh.

Or at least an apology. Watching the embedded video—if you can stand the local reporter’s Nasal Reporter Voice (why do all on-air or on-screen reporters use that dumb voice? is that how they talk in real life?)—to better understand what’s going on, and to see a few blurry photos of naked ladies.


Long story short: kid gets a PSP that comes with a memory card filled with pornographic photos, kid freaks out and tell his mom, mom gets upset and wants a new, porn-free PSP and an apology from Wal-Mart. Why, exactly, the local news has to get involved, I have no idea.

I suppose the kid’s a little on the young side, but this whole thing just smacks of the age old American tradition of, “AHH SEX, GET THEE BACK, WRETCHED DEMON!”

What this story doesn’t mention is that those naked ladies represented the most fun that kid would have had on his PSP. (The baseless implication there is that the PSP is no fun, thank you.)

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