NextWorth now paying for your old gadgets

I can’t tell you how much stuff I have lying around my apartment and office that I’ve been meaning to unload for the last few months or even year. I’ve used Flipswap and Gazelle in the past with varying degrees of success – $20 vs $45 for an old Nokia from college – and now NextWorth is getting in on the used gadget recycling game with added categories.

They originally started off with the iPod and iPhone and now they’re taking in old BlackBerrys, digital cameras, GPS units, video games and video game consoles. I quickly checked to see what I could get for my Nintendo DS Lite and NextWorth’s offer is $14 more than Gazelle with an offer of $44.72. They seem to have competitive offers for mobile phones as well.

You can opt to be paid via a check, Paypal, Target or Amazon gift card, which is something the competitors don’t offer. And shipping for your gadget is free. If it turns out that you fibbed about your gadget (jk) and it turns out to be worth nothing then NextWorth will recycle it for you.

Did you know that e-waste is growing 2-3 times faster than any other waste stream? Me either, but that’s what the EPA is saying. So go and get yourself some beer money for all your used junk.


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