When in doubt, launch an adult social networking site creator. Yes, that'll work.

Last year yet another ‘build your own social network’ appeared. SocialGO was a white-label social networking site creator spun out of UK company Bright Things. SocialGO lets you create an online community website which is either stand-alone or inside an existing website. All the usual features like IM, content-sharing for photos and videos, blogging tools etc are there.

Clearly things may not have gone to plan though. There are any number of these companies. Let me see now (deep breath) Ning, PeopleAggregator, SocialSpring, OneSite, GoingOn, CrowdVine, Mzinga, Haystack, CollectiveX, Moli, KickApps, DZOIC, Pringo, SmallWorldLabs and in the UK, WebJam and Kwiqq. And all of them arrived well before SocialGO. Ning of course has Marc Andreessen as Chairman and well over 100 million dollars in funding.

So what’s the answer? What can be user-generated virtually for free, is in high demand and creates a lot of traffic? Yes! Porn!

Thus, Zocku.com, a white label social networking platform dedicated to adult networks which has SocialGO as its underlying platform, has been money-shot into existence.

Apparently there are already plenty of customers with one “generating in excess of $5,000 a month in ad revenue and membership fees.” One client says Zocku.com “has created a more complete and satisfying experience for Ruffkin’s members.” I’m sure it has.

In other words, it may well be the case that SocialGO launched and then found itself inundated with porn merchants, as happened to Ning – something which nearly destroyed the company until it banned them.

The question only remains. How Bright did Bright Things have to be to dream this move up? The words “not” and “very” spring to mind.

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