T-Mobile continues to expand its 3G network

T-Mobile subscribers have been waiting patiently for the big magenta to roll out their 3G network and it finally happened last year. But, let’s be honest, it wasn’t as spectacular as we thought it would be. The only worthwhile device on the network is the G1 and that’s not everyone’s cup of tea. T-Mo plans to keep expanding its HDSPA network to more than 100 U.S. cities, but without proper devices to utilize that high-speed network it’s sort of a “who cares” fact. Nevertheless this is what T-Mobile has to say about their 3G expansion.

· T-Mobile has made tremendous progress towards the broad availability of its high-speed (3G) network and 3G-capable products and services. Currently our 3G network is available to more than 100M people in more 130 U.S. cities.

· In 2009, T-Mobile will strengthen and grow its 3G (HSDPA) network in existing markets and expand to more than 100 additional U.S. cities – doubling the numbering of people we can reach with wireless broadband service.

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