Web App Directory Go2Web20 Gets a Major Upgrade

If you like to research web apps, one of the original directories of Web 20 apps just got a whole lot better. Go2Web20 just launched a major redesign in beta. It is an information aggregator for Websites and apps, collecting data from as many open sources as possible, akin to what you find at Quarkbase and the more recently launched Dataopedia.

Except that GoWeb20 is much more social. It is linked to the Go2Web20 blog written by co-founder Orli Yakuel (the other founder is Eyal Shahar), and it is integrated with Google Friend Connect. So you can sign in with your Google password and leave comments and rate any app. Go2Web already has a strong community among developers and startups thanks to Yakuel’s blog, and the directory fits nicely with that effort.

The new Go2Web20 presents logos of Websites and applications in an easy-to-read grid. Mouse over any logo for a brief description, or filter by category or tag. (For instance, here are Twitter apps and mobile apps). Once you click through to a profile page (here is one for Boxee), you can read a brief description of the app, see a screenshot, a list of blog mentions, Twitter mentions, Youtube videos about that app, as well as data from our own Crunchbase. Buttons on the side make it easy to share any app profile on Twitter, FreindFeed, Facebook, Delicious, Stumbleupon, or Google Bookmarks.

As members add ratings, the best apps should filter to the front page. Check it out and tell Orli what you think.

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