Groovy: Microsoft Arc Mouse is now in 4 fancy colors

Far out, kids. Microsoft will release the Arc Mouse later this month in a whole host of colors that will blow your mind. There’s [frost] white, [eggplant] purple, [deep olive] green and [marine] blue. Other than the new colors, yup, it’s the same Arc.

And to be fair to Microsoft, that’s not a bad thing at all. Devin, our resident Microsoft “fan” (inasmuch as any of us are “fans” of these huge, faceless companies), had only good things to say about the mouse—well, except for the price, which, at $50, seems a bit much for a tiny notebook mouse. At least Microsoft isn’t charging a “fancy color premium” or anything.

So, yeah, that’s about it. I guess if you use a notebook a lot it could be worth it. I’ll stick with my trusty Logitech G5, thank you. I could smash it with a hammer and it’d still be working great.

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