Seagate and AMD showing off SATA 3.0 and 6Gbps hard drives

SATA 3.0 is about to bring the goods – and fast. Seagate and AMD partnered together to demo just what the hopeful revision will be capable of with a prototype Barracuda drive and AMD chipset. If Seagate gets its way. – you see, not all manufacturers are signed on just yet including Western Digital – SATA 3.0 will be a full 200% faster than the current generation while still being backwards compatible.

If this upcoming spec becomes reality, we should see some real fast drives. The revision allows for up to 6 GB/s in bursts which is lightning fast compared to the current 3GB/s spec. We hear that an actual retail launch is still on the books for this year, so you may want to start saving your pennies. That is, of course, you still want a Seagate drive after all the issues the company had last year.

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