A truly practical TV remote mod

Yes, it’s funny, but it’s also a very good idea. Remote controls are among the worst-designed pieces of technology we have to deal with these days. They’re being replaced, somehow, but even more complicated controllers, but one of these days we’ll get it right.

Anyway, considering how hard it is for someone who grew up around these things to get anything done (that’s yours truly), I don’t hold it against my Grandma when she can’t figure out how to get back to the TV from the DVD player interface. There’s probably a way of doing this “mod” that’s a little more tasteful, but the idea is totally sound.

It’s nabbed from Designing Interactions, a new book from IDEO co-founder Bill Moggridge. You can bet he’s got a few more pieces of good advice in there as well — I’m sure he’d take it ill if you just thought he came up with remote mods.

I’ve totally had both those clickers, too. That’s kind of weird.

[via Divine Caroline and Reddit]

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