Netbook Capoeria with the VAIO: A tale of Twitter

@webmarketingguruUK What’s really going to shake things up for this new line of netbooks?

@sonymarcomdude Viral videos. Like dudes in pajamas like doing doing dude things.

@webmarketingguruUK like what

@sonymarcomdude i know some guys who do that brazilian fighting and we can get them to take their shirts off. how much money do youhave

@webmarketingguruUK like $2 million

@sonymarcomdude easy. done.

d @sonymarcomdude don’t ficking plan marketing on twitter. i don’t care how old you are. see me in the office on monday

got fired. out drinking with @webmarketingguruUK in lisbon who join? dm me! pity sex?

having pity sexwhoo!

via BBG

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