Spray-on solar panels coming soonish

One of the major issues with solar panels is the cost. Since they require some pretty advanced technology to manufacture, it’s not so easy to make them cost-effective. So when you consider that in some cases it can take literally years to pay back the investment, justifying the purchase can be a bit problematic.

The good news is two companies, Finnish company Braggone Oy and Australia’s Spark Solar, are looking to change that. They are developing technology that will allow the solar coating to be sprayed on, instead of the current method. The process is currently in the testing phase, and hopefully will be available for commercial use by 2011.

This doesn’t mean you’ll be getting a can of it and spraying it all over your house, of course, but implemented in factories it could reduce the cost of making a panel by a significant amount.

[via Treehugger]

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