Vodafone UK negotiating with Palm for the Pre?

Sometimes persistence pays off. Email by email, the PalmPreBlog managed to wear down the patience of Vodafone Customer Service team just enough to get a hint of an answer:

With regrets, I can not currently share any information regarding the Palm Pre handset; we are still in early negotiation with Palm, but nothing is solid. I can double check next week but as of this point in time that is all I know.

Add in this bit from an admin on the Vodafone forums:

That phone does look awesome, we were taking a look at this in the office the other day a few of us have our eye on it, I would keep your eyes peeled on the coming soon section here at our online shop.

It’s great to see the Pre’s existence acknowledged by someone wearing a Vodafone badge, but it falls just short of confirmation. We love CS reps and all – they do a job no one else wants to – but most will readily admit that they’re not a questionable source of information. A huge chunk of the time, CS reps are kept out of the know, with their “inside info” coming from their favorite killing-time-at-work blog. When office gossip originates from the same blogs attempting to cover the office gossip, things get a bit shaky.

So, what can we gather from this? Vodafone and Palm are negotiating. Anything beyond that, we’ll have to wait for a source a bit more solid.

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