Huzzah! The Myka Torrent-box is shipping

A reader received a note from Myka, makers of the bittorrent downloading TV box. It states:

We planned to start shipping the product last summer, but unfortunately we were caught up in the largest financial crisis in the last 70 years.  Despite a tremendous response (we had over 150,000 visitors to the website, 600 news articles and a healthy backlog of sales), we were unable to close the financing required to begin production.

I am pleased to announce that is all behind us now.  The factory in China is humming.  We are eagerly awaiting our first shipments due to arrive in 4 to 6 weeks.

As you’ll recall, the Myka is basically a box that downloads video over Bittorrent and then plays it back on your TV.

It comes in 80, 160 or 500GB units that connects directly to the Internet and your TV. The Bit Torrent protocol is built-in so it automagically downloads your videos or you can transfer videos from your desktop/laptop. Sort of like Sling, you can access your Myka from anywhere so long as you have an Internet connection. Prices range from $299 to $459 and are currently slated to begin shipping in the summer.

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