What if the iPhone had a keyboard?!!!

Do you wish the iPhone had a keyboard? Some would say yes, some would say no, and some would make Photoshop prototypes. But nobody seems to take into account how much thicker a tactile keyboard would make the device — and so we dance.

Please witness two wish-list iPhone prototypes, one by Mat Brady, the second — an altered version of Brady’s — by Gizmodo. Some features include an impossibly thin slide-out keyboard, high-quality camera with an optical zoom, 60GB of storage, a front-facing chat camera, and even Nintendo-esque game controls which, of course, add almost nothing to the thickness of the device… mm-hmm.

Mat Brady’s design, the iPhone Elite:

Gizmodo’s design, the iPhone Pro:


CrunchGear’s “actual thickness” design, the iPhone Sandwich:


[via BBG]

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