Mahalo Answers User Gets $100 Payday For Giving PR Tips To Strippers

Mahalo Answers, the just-launched Q&A service that is part Yahoo Answers, part Google Answers has just proven that people will actually pay for valuable information. At least, they will when strippers are involved.

This morning a representative for the The Stripper Method – a video series that invites viewers to watch “two former strippers, now housewives, business owners and mothers, as they teach secret stripper techniques for use at home with your significant others” – asked how they could book the video’s stars on a nationally broadcast TV show or radio show.

Mahalo member budgallant answered the call, offering a detailed guide to contacting local radio hosts, reaching Public Access Television, and, if all else failed, staging a protest (you can see the full answer here).

In return for his answer, the question’s originator (a user by the name of vegasundressed) has just awarded budgallant with $100 in Mahalo Dollars (the site’s virtual currency). Budgallant will now be able to exchange those Mahalo Dollars for real cash, less a 25% cut taken by Mahalo.

(Disclosure: Mahalo CEO Jason Calacanis is our partner in the TechCrunch50 conference).

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