TwitOrFit is Twitter-meets-HotOrNot

Twit Or Fit launches today – effectively an idea borne of combining Twitter with a site like Hot Or Not, where you rate the appearance of people displayed.

The project is a collaboration between UK RSS aggregator and collaboration startup So at least you can trust these reputable startups with your Twitter username/password – unlike some. It came about produced after Huddle marketing manager Zuzanna Pasierbinska-Wilson was looking for entrants to a tongue in cheek beauty pageant for UK startups and founder Nic Halstead suggested a hot or not for Twitter.

Here’s the idea:

1. you can only vote if you sign up yourself – and therefore put yourself forward to be voted upon
2. The picture comes from your twitter profile (which can be any size)
3. If you change your profile picture they let people re-vote on you
4. The system optionally (opt-out) sends a tweet when you sign up to tell your friends to come vote for you
5. A badge system allows you to display your current score (out of 10) on your own blog/site

Hot or Not was recently sold for a rumored $20 million, but since Twit Or Fit relies on Twitter and therefore has little inherent intellectual property. I somehow doubt it will go for as much, although it is gaining in traffic and is already running advertising. Meantime it’s a fun site which may go viral and create some kind of return for its creators, if only notoriety.

Interestingly we could see Twitter changed by sites like this. The Face Your Manga craze may get replaced by the craze to have a hot, smoking profile picture instead, in order to improve your TwitOrFit rankings.

Unsurprisingly, people at Huddle are currently heading both Top 10s, and given the site was in closed Beta with mostly Brits involved, that’s who you’ll see.

Twit Or Fit is officially launching today at Twinterval in London.

Purely in the interests of research I’ve posted my profile, though I will be happy with any result which exceeds the 50% marker. Update: Actually, on second thoughts I couldn’t care less!

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