CrunchDeals: ‘Lost’ Seasons 1-3 for $58.99

A little personal information about me: I’ve never seen a single episode of Lost. I understand it’s quite popular, though. A co-worker of mine at a previous place of employment was so adamant that I join the Lost-watchers club that she leant me the first season and then asked me every day what I thought of the show. After a month of not even taking the first disc out of the sleeve, I returned it to her.

If you’d like to try to force someone to hop on the Lost bandwagon or if you, yourself, would like to churn through the first three seasons in rapid succession, Amazon has Seasons 1, 2, and 3 for $58.99, which is less than half what they normally cost. That deal’s good today only, though, so hop to it if you’re interested.

Lost – The Complete Seasons 1-3 [Amazon]

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