Microsoft continues pushing ‘I’m a PC’ initiative with overpriced merchandise

“Advertising, advertising, fix Vista, advertising, make $19 T-shirts, advertising, make $15 polyester trucker hats, advertising, advertising, fix Vista, advertising, forget Vista and move on to Windows 7, advertising, forget Windows altogether and turn the focus to general PC users while making it seem like none of them use Linux, advertising, advertising, $60 skateboard decks, $18 canvas tote bags, advertising, advertising, send out e-mail blast to Hotmail users, advertising…”

I got an e-mail sent to my old Hotmail account from Microsoft late last night announcing “I’m a PC” merchandise along with a request to “Show your PC pride” by buying any number of hats, buttons, ties, shirts, shoes, mousepads, skateboards, bags, and mugs with the words “I’m a PC” emblazoned somewhere on each item.

Not that I don’t think $18.95 plus $4.99 for shipping isn’t a GREAT price for a T-shirt that says “I’m a PC,” in an aqua-blue font from 1986, I’d just rather use a PC quietly and unassumingly because it suits my personal needs better than a Mac is currently capable of doing. As the sole Windows-only guy at CrunchGear, I apologize on behalf of Microsoft and urge you to use whichever system works best for you. That is all.

I’m A PC Store []

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