Addicted To Social News? Get A Quick Overview With Newsified

Good (domain) name, cute little concept: Newsified is a minimal aggregation project that offers a centralized birds-eye overview of the most popular social news / bookmarking websites, as well as the top YouTube videos.

Creator Luke Stevens says he got tired of the fact that only about 10% of the latest content makes the front page of the popular social news sites, and figured he could cook up something that takes the remaining 90% out of their “silos” so one doesn’t have to click so many times to get an overview of what’s hot on the web.

Unlike similar services like popurls, Alltop and Loud3r, Newsified presents the top content of various social news sites like news articles instead of a simple list of links, with a headline on top, short summaries if available and an indication of the original source with icon and direct clickthrough. This enables you to get an overview of what’s popular on the internet across different categories, all on a single page (which also means you’ll be scrolling down quite a bit).

Granted, Newsified isn’t going to win freelance designer Luke Stevens any prizes for innovation, but it’s bound to be of interest to those who like to stay on top of what’s hot on the web, regardless of what category it falls under. You can check out how Stevens built Newsified at the bottom of the about page.

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