I'm in China this week, guest posts and adding a contributor

This week I will be heading over to China to take part in a pretty interesting trip. I’m heading out to the inaugural China 2.0 Tour which is shaping up to be one of the most interesting opportunities to learn about startups and high-tech in China I’ve ever heard of. I’ll be in Beijing (Nov 10-12), Shanghai (13-14) and Guangzhou (15-16). The trip is being organized by The China Business Network, Web2Asia and CNReviews, and is sponsored by Edelman Digital China. Apart from anything else they have assembled an amazing bunch of bloggers and participants for the trip. I’ll be writing about the trip and what I find in due course, but I’d like UK and other European startups to consider me as one of their ambassadors for the duration. If you want to lean more about the tech business in China, let me know and I’ll do my best to find out for you.

Plus, over the few weeks, I’m looking to re-play our pretty successful experiment over the summer and publish a few guest posts from anyone out there who wants to get in touch and pitch me an idea for a post. In addition I’m bringing on another occasional, hopefully regular, contributor. Basheera Khan is a technology journalist, former journalism lecturer and now blogger/freelance journalist based in London. She has a great CV of contributions to major titles, and even started her own tech news site about tech companies in Wales. I’m really looking forward to her contribution.

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