20 free Rock Band 2 songs delayed

Remember those 20 free Rock Band tracks that were expected to go live yesterday? As of last night, they still hadn’t shown up. After a full day of patiently waiting for my code to arrive, I wandered on over to the Rock Band forums looking for an explanation.

It didn’t take too much digging, fortunately. From this post by Harmonix community rep Sean:

We have hit an unexpected delay with getting the content online with Microsoft and are working diligently with them to get that resolved. We have suspended sending out the token codes until the content becomes available. Sending out the codes before the content is live will just result in more confusion. We hope to have this resolved in the next 24 hours and apologize profusely for the delay.

We’re also working with Sony to get the content up on PS3 and the codes out. More on that as information becomes available.

Again, we apologize for the delay and are working our butts off to get the content out to you.

Oh well – another day or two isn’t too much to ask for in exchange for a bucket of free goods.

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