Sony kills off 4GB PSP Entertainment pack, blames success of Ratchet and Clank pack

Hope you didn’t have your heart set on the PSP 4GB Entertainment Pack that Sony announced at the Leipzig Games Convention. That’s because the pack was just axed, the victim, strangely enough, of the overwhelming success of the Ratchet and Clank PSP pack. It seems Ratchet and Clank pack is selling so well that Sony and its retail partners—Best Buy, Wal-Mart, etc.—didn’t want to rock the boat, so to speak. I guess having a PSP system that is selling well is good news enough for Sony & Co—why ruin a good thing, in other words?

The 4GB Entertainment Pack, as the name suggests, was to have shipped with a 4GB Memory Stick Pro Duo; those wanting the 4GB card can still purchase when it’s released sometime this autumn for $45.

And if the silver PSP-3000 isn’t your cup of tea, a black version will be released in December, just in time for the most economically depressed Christmas in many years.

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