Aerion supersonic jet flies from New York to London in 3 hours

The superrich and political élite will be able to fly from London to New York in three hours once 2015 rolls around. A new supersonic jet, the Aerion, is in development that will be able fly at mach 1.6—that’s 1,217 mph.

And it’s not like this is a mock-up or anything. The company has already received 50 $237,000 deposits for the first models.

The supersonic jet is being marketed as something that will change the way business is conducted. Need to go from SoHo to Soho Square to sign a contract post-haste? Hope on the America-made Aerion and be back home in time for dinner.

Again, not that any of us, or even any we know, will ever fly on this thing, but it’s nothing if not an engineering marvel even if it doesn’t look as fancy as the Concorde of yesteryear.

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