Settle in for DPReview's Nikon D90 Review

In one of their trademark incredibly in-depth reviews that has made them perhaps the authority on digital cameras on the internet, DPReview now takes on the Nikon D90. This successor to the popular and excellent D80 improves in a variety of areas, including: more megapixels (12), faster motor drive (4.5fps), improved ISO and low-light performance, a better, bigger LCD screen (3.0"), face detection, and of course live view and the controversial movie mode.

The review [spoiler alert] finds the D90 to be a mostly unqualified success, finding it great in every way but with a few issues like how exposure is determined leading to blowouts too often. If you’re a Nikon person and have a grand to spare, it sounds like the D90 is a solid investment.

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