Contest: Win a Dash Express GPS

In the market for a GPS? Sure you are! The holiday shopping season is here and if you’re looking for an easy way out then jump on over to Trulia where I’m judging their “Hidden Gems” Contest. There are only two days left, but that’s enough time to enter. Rules after the jump.

How to enter the Hidden Gems Contest (it’s easy, I promise):

* Step 1: Write a blog post about your favorite local hidden spot on your Trulia blog.
* Step 2: Choose the “In My Neighborhood” category for your post (you don’t have to mention anywhere in the post that its for the contest).
* Step 3: Publish your post for all to enjoy.
* Step 4: Send an email to with the URL of your blog post.
* Step 5: Repeat! You can enter as many posts as you like to increase your chances of winning.

Enter HERE.

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