Another Way To Follow The Campaign: Dipity's Election Center Timelines

Want to follow every Tweet, blog post, YouTube video and Flickr photo put out by the Obama or McCain camps? Now you can follow the campaigns in a handy Dipity Election Center timeline. Using its latest Dipity 2.0 timeline mashup, the Election Center places each entry on a timeline that you can scroll through. Click on an entry, and a box opens to show you more detailed information. You can also leave a comment.

Each timeline can be embedded as a widget anywhere on the Web. And you can see everyone’s comments from any widget. The idea is that Obama supporters will put the Obama widget on their MySpace page or blog and that McCain supporters will do the same on theirs. I’ve embedded both widgets below. You can see by the larger number of entries for the Obama campaign that it is making better use of social media to get its message out. (At least that was the case when I looked at the timelines—see screenshot).

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