Google Chrome Comic Books Fetch $3,175 For Charity

Great news – we decided to give Google Chrome comic books to the top two bidders (with their permission) in our auction for charity. Those bids, for $1,600 and $1,575, respectively, will be donated to Donors Choose, an innovative not-for-profit corporation that raises money for schools.

An that’s not all. Google arranged to have both comic books autographed by creator Scott McCloud and many members of the Google Chrome team as a thank you for the donations. A picture of one of them is above.

Thank you to David Hauser from GotVMail and Lincoln Patz from Success Wallpapers for their generous bids. Donors Choose does a lot with a little, and this money will help fund at least a few different much needed school projects.

I’ve got a warm and cuddly feeling towards the world tonight because of Lincoln and David. Thank guys. I hope you enjoy the books. And thanks, Google, for the nice surprise at the end.

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