NIN latest tour a spectacle of LEDs and lasers
from Neil Kohler on Vimeo.

Wired takes on the NIN “Lights in the Sky” tour and gives us a glimpse at the systems involved. The group has always integrated special effects into their performances, but after you read this in-depth article, you’re going to have a more profound respect. From the sounds of it, most of what goes on isn’t a prerecorded loop, but rather, as Renzor calls it, another instrument. The system is controlled by lasers watching specific on stage body movements that gives the musicians live control over the visualizations and even allowing drummer Josh Freese to control a virtual drum sequencer on the screen. The whole thing makes for one sic effect. You have to check out both the above video and the one after the break showing off the drum sequencer.
from Ken Wilson on Vimeo.

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