Post-price cut, Xbox 360 sales increase really very much a lot

Well! It looks like that price cut for the Xbox 360 is doing wonders for sales. Compared to the last pre-price cut weekend, Microsoft says sales of the Xbox 360 at some retailers rose 100 percent. That is, if Store A sold 10 Xboxen the weekend of August 29, it sold 20 Xboxen the weekend of September 5.

Or, in English, if you lower the price of something, more people are able to afford it, and then they buy it.

Now, Microsoft selling a bunch more consoles is one thing, but what’s more interesting is to see how Sony and Nintendo react. While I doubt Nintendo needs to cut the price of its still hard to find console, Sony may want to consider some sort of price cut for the 360. After all, saying you’ve got the most affordable Blu-ray player on the market, one that also keeps your kids entertained, would look nice on a retail flyer.

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