911ICE.org takes ICE a step further

Ice, In Case of Emergency is a simple idea that has some far reaching consequences. Conceived by British paramedic Bob Brotchie several years ago, the ICE initiative is simply a contact programmed into your cell phone. When first responders get to an emergency, they simply look in your cell phone for your ICE contact. Simple, easy and effective.

The website 911ICE.org not only alerts your one ICE contact, but will also alert doctors and other registered contacts as well. Obviously, in emergency situations, getting the right info to the right people can mean the difference between life and death.

Bob was on hand at TC50 to help show off the new website. Not content to stop as a simple notifier, 911ICE.org also integrates what they are calling a Virtual Waiting Room, where family and friends can interact in times of need. Also of no small importance, this portal acts as a secure link to the patient’s Emergency Medical Profile stored either at 911ICE.org or other popular sites, such as Microsoft HealthVault or Google Health.

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