Miyamoto, other tech folk make Vanity Fair's New Establishment list

Photo from Wired

Vanity Fair, the fanciest trashy magazine there is, has publishedwhat is calls “The New Establishment,” a list of 100 of the top movers and shakers across all industries. It’s essentially a “who’s hot now” list, but since it’s Vanity Fair, all the Manhattan media types will be fawning over the ranking.

Drudge has the full list in an easy-to-digest format. Are you surprised that so many tech folks are in the list?

Names you might recognize include Sergey Brin, Larry Page and Eric Schmidt (2 on the list, Google); Steve Jobs (4, he runs some sort of computer and media company); Jeff Bezos (6, Amazon); Roman Abramovich (8, he owns Chelsea FC); Mark Zuckerberg (25, Facebook); Howard Stringer (39, Sony); Shigeru Miyamoto (73, Nintendo); Walt Mossberg (100, Wall Street Journal).

Never thought I’d see the day when a Nintendo guy (OK, *the* Nintendo guy) would be in the same list as Vladimir Putin and Rupert Murdoch.

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