Open Tech for sale

Remember that company that was going to try to one-up Psystar and sell OS X compatible PCs without installing the OS itself and running afoul of Apple’s lawyers? Well, they’re for sale and best of all, they take PayPal.

The Company Open Tech is up for sale. We are selling the Open Tech name, the website,the trade secrets, and press contacts all in one package.If you decide to purchase Open Tech all this info will be emailed to you or faxed- your choice.

If you are interested in purchasing Open Tech Please contact us at

To Purchase the Open Tech Company Now for $50,000. Click the Button Below.The payment process is Verified by PayPal, as soon as the payment is received your information will be emailed to you or faxed.

Clearly this is a great deal. Press contacts! Trade secrets! Websites! It would be an excellent opportunity for anyone missing that half of a brain required to buy barebones PC and install OS X onto it.

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