Swany ‘g.cell’ Bluetooth-enabled snowboard gloves

Holy crap, these gloves are $500. In their defense, though, they’re the FUTURE! Made by Swany, the “g.cell” gloves have a “fully integrated Bluetooth adaptable cell phone in a totally functional ski and winter sports glove.” That almost sounds like the glove is a phone itself and requires no actual phone in your pocket somewhere.

Whatever the case may be (we’ll find out when these things are released nearer to the holiday season), when you get a call, you’ll feel it vibrating around your wrist. Hit the back of the glove to answer and then hold it up to your face. There’s a mic built into the thumb and a speaker built into the palm. It’s all powered by a rechargeable battery good for 12 hours standby time or 4 hours talk time.

[Swany Gloves via Switched]

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